Sunday 16 January 2011


Dementia. When does one admit that a loved one, parent, grandparent, is sliding into dementia? Is losing one's ability to perform everyday tasks dementia? Being unable to dress or undress, being unable to tell the time of day, not being able to read a clock anymore, nor knowing what those numbers and those hands mean? Not knowing what to do with the knobs of the microwave after a long history of doing that without thinking about it? Not knowing whether it is morning or evening, whether to eat or not to eat? Yes, that is dementia. Hard to accept when a loved one can still very lucidly talk about religion, politics, philosophy, his children and grandchildren.  Can it be triggered by fever, antibiotics, change of surroundings, change of routine? It certainly helps to stay in familiar surroundings, but is that always possible? How can a parent remain that parent one always knew and respected? The person who knew so many things, never lost his way and now can't even find the way in his own village anymore. It is very hard if there is loss of decorum as well.

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