Monday 23 March 2020

Quarantine 8, Life in the Time of Corona

New measures, quite shattering if one lives alone, as I do. I thought I could handle it, but realise that because I live alone, I always have to go out to meet people, to see things, to have company. I go to choir practice, sing every Sunday in the church choir, go to museums with a friend, go for a walk on the beach, alone or with others. This time, leading up to Easter, the most sacred time in the Christian year, is usually full of music, Passions, contemplative and finally happy music, singing in Haarlem and The Hague. Besides, we have the three choir practices for our cathedral week in England in July. Not just an enjoyable time because of the music we practice, but we also meet with friends we may not have seen for a long time. No choral Festival, although that may take place in June and perhaps by then we may have more freedom. But travel might still be out of bounds. At the Choral Festival we are trained by a professional musician from England. Is travel for this choirmaster possible? Are we allowed to travel to England in July when we are supposed to sing the services for a week in Portsmouth Cathedral? Yes, we are allowed to go for a solitary walk. If we live with other family members, we may even walk together. But for singles like me, there is no chance of company. If we live alone, we live for the moments when we can meet loved ones who are not necessarily family. Till June 1st this is not allowed. Is it more dangerous for (elderly) singles to have contact with friends as there is a chance of being infected by this nasty virus, or is it worse when we have to live for three months without any human contact? Not to be touched, no shoulder to lean on, no hugs. The only time we can meet with just a few people is at funerals, not exactly the events which might cheer us up. And even then, no handshakes, keeping a distance of 1,5 meters, no moment together with something to drink, just no socializing at all. At least in the Decameron people were quarantined together. And in Love in the time of Cholera, people did touch and did make love. It will pass, of course it will, but when??? And will our friends come back to us?
Yes, Anne Franck lived in a very cramped space for a long time with family members, too many, with fear for their lives. It was worse, far worse as FB points out to us. But she wasn’t alone. It is a false comparison. It was wartime, but we live in a time of peace, and our freedom now seems to have turned into an open prison. So, what is it to be: Spring clean the house? Cook fancy meals for ourselves if we can get hold of the ingredients? Sew a new wardrobe in the hope we’ll survive this virus? Declutter the house? Tend the garden? Knit? Take a free online course in one of the many courses on offer? Or perhaps write stories or even a novel, as Camus, Marquez and Boccaccio did. After all, writing is something one has to do in isolation.
We are of course not alone in this. Let us all write that novel we always dreamt of. Or find out that sadly we have no talent and tick it off our bucket list for good. We’ll get through this, with or without our novel.

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